The implausible renaissance by corsets!
Today when I sit as a successful model in my EMI or rent free mansion, I see how far I have walked my voyage. Living the present solace days of my life, I now perceive each lesson that emanated my way to reach this day. With time and experience, I have finally gulped down the fact that every event befalls for good and has a purpose.
On looking back at the time and scribbling; I can actually see a flashback of my entire journey. A film in motion, with every incident of my life appearing, right in front of my eyes.
While reviewing my wobbly and compulsive past, there is only one name that brings a smile on my face and that is Corsetdeal. I know it is startling to read, how I can correlate a blissful moment in my life with a corset company. But, it is true. It is this firm that helped me realize my potential and be reborn to save the gift of life!
To narrate you this interesting story, I will take you back to the day, when I was fighting with my parents to come to London. I wanted to become a model and ignored the tight financial status at my end. With days of rough patch increasing between my parents, and me I finally left home and headed for the princely state.
By having a good amount of savings credited in my account, I went out to choose parties over my model training aspiration.
In this blind folded toxic rush, within no time, I turned into a rebellious soul, crushing all the priorities under my heels. I did not bother to apply for modeling academies and despised my parents along with those who did not go crazy like me.
In the early days it all seemed glorious, with no restrictions and a huge group of party freaks dancing through day and night. But slowly all this merry making and money saving was coming to an end. Since my friend's holidays wrapped up, they all got back to college and some to various colleges taking their career seriously.
Initially, they all appeared as jesters to me, as they chose career over passing pleasure, but the time ticked in hustle, I grasped that I am losing my calm and friends simultaneously. My rowdy conduct and hollow ego left me with no money and folks.
By way of zilch by my side, left lonely on the roads, I finally realized where I had steered myself.
Using the last option of shelter at my relatives' house, I deported with all my belongings there. With no job, education and money, I could not escape from this misery.
As time was flying I was steadily going into depression. Amongst one of these lonely and depressing days, I accidently visited the Corsetdeal site. Since I had always been fond of corsets, I knew a scroll through them would balm my hurt soul. I saw beautiful corsets in categories like the Waist Training to reduce that extra inch from the waist, Steampunk to get the roman kind of look with royalty and Gothic for a dark and bold appearance. They even had a huge collection of Fashion Corsets for daily wear accompanied by clothing to complete ones look.
I could not hold myself away from them and prayed to god for a sign to make life better. Suddenly I saw the sale banner flying on the header of the website. This urged me to do anything to purchase one of them and get back to shape to join the modeling academy.
In haste and agony I dialed every number possible for help, but did not call the intangible support of my life, as I did not have the courage to call my parents once abandoning them.
After a long gap of no reply and responses from my merry making folks, I finally gathered emotions and called my parents. With a loud bust of cry and plea for forgiveness, I understood why parents are The Almighty of our lives come what may.
Within no time my mother understood my state and came flying to rescue me. After puking out the whole consequence and the desire for corset, finally my mother placed the order for the Marcia Brocade Steampunk and a few more Fashion corsets to get my photo-shoot done. These corsets are made of premium quality and offer the best service across countries.
Luckily everything started to fall into place and my photographs got shortlisted. With the first step into my dream school and my parents by my side, I kick started my modeling engine without any string of guilt attached. With a strong head and corsets to dress, I am here today living my dream as the "corset diva"!
For me Corsetdeal is the fairy of my Cinderella story! With this magic wand company, I am beholding forward to more lives altering with this gift to the fashion biosphere!